About The Pavilion Shopping Centre

The Pavilion Shopping Centre, situated in Westville, is only 20 kilometres from the buzzing city centre of Durban. This mall is filled with a delightful variety of convenience stores, boutiques, speciality shops and entertainment facilities.

In addition to a newly renovated food court, which offers around 40 family-oriented eateries (such as Spur, John Dory’, Nando’s, Wimpy and Chicken Licken) and excellent coffee shops (The Little Italian Coffee Shop and Mugg & Bean), there are also wonderful amenities that make The Pavilion ideal for just about any shopping experience.

There are wheelchairs, dedicated parking spaces for mothers with children under the age of three years as well as for those with disabilities, family rooms in which babies’ nappies can be changed, and gift-wrapping facilities. There is also a Muslim prayer room. The Nu Metro cinema has wheelchairs and booster seats for little ones.

There are 12 cinemas here, as well as a skate park, superbowling (tenpin bowling) and an amusement area with arcade games. This means that young ones are kept busy while parents join them, or go and enjoy some solo shopping.

The Pavilion prides itself on its dedication to superior customer service, along with a fun, friendly vibe. It invites locals and tourists from all over the world to spend a day meandering around, collecting keepsakes, spoiling themselves, or simply doing some window shopping while sampling the excellent flavours of the restaurants.

Need to Know

WhereJack Martens Drive, Sub 9, Lot 2369, Westville, Durban, Kwazulu Natal.

WhenMonday to Sunday from 09h00 to 19h00 (including public holidays).

How muchFree to browse

Telephone+27 (0)31 275-9800

OvernightStay nearby in Westville, in KwaZulu Natal


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