Restaurants: Bistros & Pubs (1 of 21 Things To Do in Umhlanga Rocks)

Showing 1 result in the category: Restaurants: Bistros & Pubs - clear filters

Cafés & Eateries / Nightlife & Theatre / Bistros & Pubs

The Dutch

Overnight? Accommodation in Umhlanga
Durban’s The Dutch is all about enjoying the cool things in life within an ambience of quality and style. This high-end cocktail lounge, situated in Umhlanga Rocks, ...

Also see the 5 closest Restaurants: Bistros & Pubs around Umhlanga Rocks

1.4 km away in Umhlanga / Cafés & Eateries / Bistros & Pubs

Bar Ba Coa Argentinian Grill and Bar

Overnight? Accommodation in Umhlanga
Bar Ba Coa is all about traditional Argentinian food that hails back generations. Barbacoa is the Gaucho way of cooking meat over hot coals (similar to a barbecue) ...

1.7 km away in Umhlanga / Bistros & Pubs / Nightlife & Theatre / Cafés & Eateries

Sip Strawberry Daiquiris at Elements

Overnight? Accommodation in Umhlanga
This chic and relaxed restaurant situated on the lower terrace of the Beverley Hills Hotel in Umhlanga Rocks offers an eclectic mix of aluminum, marble and mosaic ...

9.5 km away in Umdloti / Cafés & Eateries / Bistros & Pubs


Overnight? Accommodation in Umdloti
Umdloti Beach is one of KwaZulu-Natal’s popular swimming, surfing, tanning and watersports beaches, thanks to its safe conditions and warm waters. This is also the ...

10.1 km away in Morningside / Bistros & Pubs / Cafés & Eateries

031 Bar & Restaurant

Overnight? Accommodation in Morningside
Durban’s trendy 031 is this bustling metropolis’ first craft distillery; famous for its gin and tonic and its vodka and lemonade, as well as for its range of craft ...

11 km away in Morningside / Cafés & Eateries / Bistros & Pubs

St James on Venice Restaurant

Overnight? Accommodation in Morningside
St James on Venice offers liberal lashings of elegance in the heart of Morningside. This part of Durban (the capital city of the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South ...

Umhlanga Rocks as a destination

If you are considering visiting Umhlanga Rocks or have already booked your Umhlanga Rocks accommodation, then you are probably keen to see what activities are available and what there is to do in the area. Explore our growing selection of Things to Do in Umhlanga Rocks and come back and submit your Umhlanga Rocks review or suggest an activity if you come across something we've missed.

Also in the neighbourhood

La Lucia, Mount Edgecombe, Umdloti, Umhlanga Ridge

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