Showing 1 to 17 of 17 - Accommodation in Herolds Bay

Herolds Bay Self Catering

RRoar George

Sleeps 8 people in 1 unit

Nestled within the secure confines of the Monate Eco Estate, this holiday home is surrounded by pristine fynbos and a ...

  • from 7500
  • R
  • 7125
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 8 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Dolphin Dream

Sleeps 8 people in 1 unit

Boasting breathtaking views of Herolds Bay beach and the Indian Ocean, Dolphin Dream is a stunning holiday villa ...

  • from 7000
  • R
  • 6650
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 8 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is not offered
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Dolphin Dream does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Herolds Bay Hotel

Oubaai Hotel Golf & Spa

Sleeps 188 people in 99 rooms

Oubaai Hotel Golf & Spa is located less than seven minutes' drive from George Airport in an area renowned for its ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 3000
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering


Sleeps 10 people in 1 unit

Nearby is a self catering holiday home in Herolds Bay, with beautiful sea views. The house is situated about 1km from ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 7700
  • R
  • 7315
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 10 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Nearby does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

The Third Dolphin

Sleeps 4 people in 1 unit

The Third Dolphin is a self catering flat in Herold's Bay with spectacular sea views. The apartment sleeps six guests ...

Good [1 verified review]

  • from 1500
  • R
  • 1425
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 4 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Third Dolphin does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Oubaai Villa

Sleeps 6 people in 1 unit

Located in Herolds Bay, Oubaai Villa offers comfortable accommodation for up to six guests. Here guests are able to ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 13920
  • R
  • 13224
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 6 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Makarios on Sea

Sleeps 18 people in 5 units

Makarios at Herold's Bay offers you only the best in self-catering accommodation to enjoy an unforgettable beach ...

  • from 2460
  • R
  • 2337
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Makarios on Sea does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Oppiesee Selfcatering Apartments

Sleeps 40 people in 7 units

Oppiesee Self Catering Apartments is a beautiful beachfront house in Herolds Bay in the Garden Route, made up of five ...

Excellent [2 verified reviews]

  • from 2500
  • R
  • 2375
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Oppiesee Selfcatering Apartments does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Oupa se Pitte

Sleeps 14 people in 2 units

Situated in Herolds Bay on South Africas beautiful Garden Route, Oupa se Pitte offers accommodation with magnificent ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 3500
  • R
  • 3325
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Oupa se Pitte does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Voelklip Two Bed Apartment

Sleeps 6 people in 1 unit

Voelklip Two Bed Apartment offers comfortable Herolds Bay accommodation. The apartment is in a great location close to ...

  • from 3950
  • R
  • 3753
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 6 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Voelklip Two Bed Apartment does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Helshoogte Apartment

Sleeps 6 people in 1 unit

Helshoogte Apartment offers top floor accommodation in Herolds Bay. The apartment is located in the Garden Route, in ...

  • from 4550
  • R
  • 4323
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 6 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Helshoogte Apartment does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Stampgat Three Bed Apartment

Sleeps 6 people in 1 unit

Stampgat Three Bed Apartment has lovely sea views and offers comfortable Herolds Bay accommodation. With its beautiful ...

  • from 4550
  • R
  • 4323
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 6 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Stampgat Three Bed Apartment does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Middle Oppiesee

Sleeps 10 people in 1 unit

Middle Oppiesee offers Herolds Bay accommodation on the first floor. The apartment is fully equipped and has phenomenal ...

  • from 8500
  • R
  • 8075
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 10 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Middle Oppiesee does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Stampgat Two Bed Apartment

Sleeps 4 people in 1 unit

Stampgat Two Bed Apartment offers Herolds Bay accommodation with the most beautiful views of the ocean and surrounds ...

  • from 3950
  • R
  • 3753
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 4 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Stampgat Two Bed Apartment does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Voelklip One Bed Apartment

Sleeps 4 people in 1 unit

Voelklip One Bed Apartment offers Herolds Bay accommodation in a great location close to the beach, walking trails, and ...

  • from 2500
  • R
  • 2375
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 4 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Voelklip One Bed Apartment does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Guest House / Bed & Breakfast

Waves of Grace

Sleeps 14 people in 6 rooms

Waves of Grace is a luxury bed and breakfast on the Herolds Bay beachfront. Herold's Bay is situated on the Garden ...

  • from 2500
  • R
  • 2375
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Waves of Grace does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Herolds Bay Self Catering

Jan Se Plek

Sleeps 4 people in 1 unit

Jan Se Plek offers top floor accommodation in Herolds Bay. The apartment is located in the Garden Route, in the ...

  • from 2950
  • R
  • 2803
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 4 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Jan Se Plek does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
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  • We feature a range of places to stay to suit all travel needs and budgets. The Herolds Bay accommodation search facility is easy to use and you can make your accommodation booking online or request a quote from your chosen venues. Herolds Bay accommodation establishments include self-catering, B&Bs, guest houses and hotels.

    Frequently requested facilities are highlighted for each accommodation establishment when available to help you pinpoint appropriate venues, and reviews give you further insight.
South Africa. Explore. Experience. Stay

Why you might choose to stay in Herolds Bay

The beautiful, secluded bay called Herold’s Bay has held an allure for holiday makers since time of old. Sketches and photographs in the George museum tell of ox wagons filled with tents, goods and servants, camping out on the beach itself.

Today the bay is no less of an attraction and surfing, fishing and swimming, sheltered from the south easterlies that can blow on the coast, make this a favourite destination. There's loads more to see, so stay a day or two: choose from our Herolds Bay accommodation.® has been assisting travellers with their South Africa travel plans since 1999, and is the largest, independent online travel guide for South Africa available in both English and German.